Who we are
RIVIR develops universal IoT and M2M data gateway systems for low earth orbit satellite networks.
Our highly reliable end-to-end platform dramatically simplifies the adoption of satellite into remote industrial IoT applications and the integration of the satellite data with business systems.
Our Technology
Dependable IIoT Gateway
Rugged, dependable, remotely configurable satellite IoT gateways connect easily to sensors and machines via standard wired and wireless protocols.
LEO optimised data system
On-gateway firmware and on-server software utilize the LwM2M protocol to provide LEO non-terrestrial network optimized IoT data transfer.
Easy to use API
REST APIs provide easy integration of remote IoT data with central business systems.
Putting low cost LEO satellite networks to work in remote industrial sites
Oil and gas methane emissions reduction
The global energy sector is deploying satellite enabled methane emissions monitoring systems at remote locations beyond terrestrial cellular to meet global methane emissions reduction targets.
Electricity grid asset monitoring
Electricity distribution grids are deploying satellite enabled asset condition based maintenance systems to improve visibility of remote transformer condition and performance and to reduce windscreen time.
Mining asset and process monitoring
Mining operations are deploying satellite based machine condition monitoring to improve maintenance and performance of remote systems.
Environmental monitoring
The new LEO networks including the Starlink D2C network are enabling more efficient monitoring of remote environmental factors including water quality and methane emissions.